

Join us for unforgettable experiences 和 exciting adventures!

With 6,000 students 和 nearly 300 of them from overseas, 雪的大学 creates a welcoming atmosphere where you can explore who you are 和 who you will become. 读一些我们学生的故事 to learn more about where our international students are from 和 what they enjoy 我最了解雪学院.

雪的大学’s main campus in Ephraim is very easy to navigate 和 small enough to 帮助你立刻感到舒适. You’ll be able to find your way around in no time! 这里有一个简短的 鸟瞰图 校园和主要建筑.



Student Organizations, Clubs 和 Special Interests

PG电子官方免费下载 50多个俱乐部 focused on hobbies, sports, special interests 和 academics. 从西部摇摆到 Pride Club, Gaming to Hammocking, you’re sure to find a club (or ten!)对 为你. 名单上没有你想要的? 找几个朋友,找个顾问, 自己动手吧!

If you want to see or get involved in live performances, our award-winning music, theater, 和 dance departments offer countless shows throughout the year. 另外,我们附近的 塞维尔谷中心 on the 雪的大学 campus in Richfield is a beautiful facility with a state-of-the-art theater, 和 a large arena that is perfect for concerts, sporting events 和 conventions.

And how many colleges do you know with their 自己的天文馆? 你没看错. PG电子官方免费下载 incredible perks 和 even free tickets so you can star gaze in pure comfort, no matter the weather.

Celebrating Over 50 Nationalities on Campus

While you’ll find cross-cultural 活动 on campus all year round, for one week every November, 雪的大学 celebrates International Education Week 和 packs the calendar full of exciting events to bring a global flavor to Utah.

In addition to program-sponsored picnics, parties, 和 movies listed in our 社区中心, you may also choose from a wide variety of ongoing social 活动 在 学生生活日历.

And to get an insider view on everyday campus life, 在Instagram上关注我们 or connect with our Unibuddy International Student Ambassadors. You can message them directly 和 browse through the content they’ve created 和 shared such as images, video clips, 和 helpful articles. 


雪学院提供 包容的环境 和 creates diverse connections through extracurricular 活动, clubs, 领导机会,以及为校园社区提供服务. 我们的 学生生活 team encourages you to get involved in many leadership roles such as the 提倡 (which raise awareness of mental health) 和 the sbo (学生团体主任).


Whether you want to be 在 middle of the action or cheer our teams on from the 场边,我们有很多 运动队 还有游戏让你忙个不停!

In addition to program 活动, students enjoy our top-notch campus recreation 设施. Within walking distance of the dorms, the Activity Center offers a swimming pool, fitness center, indoor track, volleyball, basketball, 和 racquetball courts. Also on campus there are tennis courts, softball fields, 和 a field for soccer. As part of 雪的大学's physical education curriculum, you can take courses in backpacking, canoeing 和 kayaking, cross-country skiing, 和 rock climbing.


雪学院是 located 在 heart of the Great American West, which is perfect for many 活动 和 outdoor adventures. 我们的小镇 以法莲位于犹他州中部. It is a small community with distinct character 由历史和环境形成的. At an elevation of 5500 feet, the campus offers a spectacular view of the Wasatch 和 Manti LaSal Mountain ranges. 


Summer weather 在 high mountains is surprisingly mild. 夏天是灿烂的, 温暖的白天,凉爽的夜晚. But be prepared for the occasional summer rain storm. Winters are cold, but what else would you expect from a place that boasts the “The 地球上最大的雪!”



You can head out to explore the sights any time either on your own or with friends, 但我们也为你安排旅行! 雪的大学’s 全球参与中心 takes international students on special 旅行 to Utah’s best locations throughout the year.

我们的 group outings head to nearby cities for shopping, sightseeing, 和 theater parties. 

And if you want to explore all the natural beauty that Utah has to offer, from hiking to river rafting, skiing, or even camping, then you can join our outdoor 活动. Keep in mind the following tips for these 旅行:

  • The 雪的大学 International Program has its own sleeping bags 和 tents for camping 旅行.
  • Bring clothing appropriate for the 活动 you plan to participate in. 短裤和 swimwear are great for lake 活动 和 river 旅行. 同时,t恤、短裤、 和 hiking shoes or boots are needed for mountain hikes. 以及过夜露营 旅行 在 summer 在 high mountains or skiing 旅行 在 winter, bring a warm 夹克和裤子. Don’t forget rain jackets for any of these excursions.
  • 最重要的是,带上你的相机.
  • Other equipment you may need, such as skis, snowboards 和 helmets, can be rented 低成本.

These 活动 are designed to to help you experience the beauty 和 gr和eur of Utah’s mountainous scenery as well as the famous Gr和 Canyon. You may choose to join a small group of your classmates for a hike 在 high alpine valleys of the Manti LaSal National Forest, or camp at the foot of Mount Nebo (the highest peak 在 Wasatch Range), or join a river trip through the Canyons of the 格林河或科罗拉多河. We also take international students on 旅行 to the five 犹他州的国家公园,以及 亚利桑那州的大峡谷 和 怀俄明州的黄石国家公园. 冬天里,有难忘的 滑雪和单板滑雪冒险.

犹他州的国家公园包括: 锡安, 布莱斯峡谷, 拱门, 大峡谷, 资本礁. 


Get a glimpse at life in Utah from a 雪的大学 student’s perspective